Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Faith in Pursuing God's Will

When it comes to sharing testimonies, it seems like no one ever walks away faithless. Even the most scarred person can sit and hear someone else's story and be lifted up even if just a little. As I was sitting in the Founder's Cafe yesterday, waiting on my turkey club wrap, I had a chance to talk to a man from San Antonio, Texas. He's a Freshman at Boyce College, same level as me, but he's about the age of my dad. His wife and kids (one of which I am the same age) and the rest of his family are back in Texas, while he's 18 hours away learning and furthering his knowledge in order to pursue the call that God has placed on his life. What faith! Here I thought I was coming out of my comfort zone, and taking others at home out of theirs in my being a mere 2 hours away. I thank God for people like that man with faith enough to provide for his family while pursuing God's call and going to school at the same time, what a burden, but what a blessing at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Wow what a testimony! Really liked the way you worded "Here I thought I was coming out of my comfort zone, and taking others at home out of theirs in my being a mere 2 hours away". It's funny how God will use other people, strangers most of the time to teach us all a lesson.

Brittne said...

Michael!!! You have a blog!! WOWZA!!