Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oops :p

Ok so I'm kind of bummed because I tried to be cool and make the name of my church a link to our website, and it didn't work... I'm also slightly bummed because I forgot to name my last post, oh well life goes on, maybe someday I can do Html right...
Saw the movie "To Save a Life" today with some church family. The critics were right when they said this is the death of cheesy Christian movies. It was a VERY good movie and really makes you take a step back and think "what can I do to make the world better?" It really made me think. I actually stopped on the way home tonight to give somebody a ride, (which is totally outside of my comfort zone) it's like 20 degrees outside. Even though in our society today it is kind of a risk to pull over and offer someone a ride, especially at the time that I did it, it has some kind of a fulfilling factor to it. When your jobless you have to be a little more creative in the ways that you can do favors for others, it takes some time to think what you can do. As pastor Phil said on his facebook today, I attended probably the most amazing church service I've ever had the privilege to be apart of. The Spirit of God was moving in River's Edge Fellowship Church today and man was it wonderful. Even though I'm not able to go to school this semester, God is still working in huge ways in my life. I'm so thankful for church family that are there when I need them. I can't wait to show this world the love of Christ.
To God Alone Be the Glory!!!