Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Roommate #3 finally showed up while i was out of town, roommate #2 and I were expecting the worst so it was a pleasant surprise that he was a lot better than our expectations. It has becoame a bit more cramped but we make do with what we have. Applied for a job at bestbuy today, as much prayer as possible would be appreciated. A little short on sleep, new roommate loves to talk at 2 am... but once again making do and enjoying myself in glorifying God the Father, loving life in doing so, beyond stoked about my calling and pursuit of that calling. The campus is beautiful. Got a free stereo from tony, have gotten lots of compliments on it... am currently known as "the room with the system" My dumb wireless router failed today so i had to take it back to target. finances are a bit tight going in between jobs but the good Lord provides everything I need. it's late, i will blog more later.
For His, and His glory alone,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Faith in Pursuing God's Will

When it comes to sharing testimonies, it seems like no one ever walks away faithless. Even the most scarred person can sit and hear someone else's story and be lifted up even if just a little. As I was sitting in the Founder's Cafe yesterday, waiting on my turkey club wrap, I had a chance to talk to a man from San Antonio, Texas. He's a Freshman at Boyce College, same level as me, but he's about the age of my dad. His wife and kids (one of which I am the same age) and the rest of his family are back in Texas, while he's 18 hours away learning and furthering his knowledge in order to pursue the call that God has placed on his life. What faith! Here I thought I was coming out of my comfort zone, and taking others at home out of theirs in my being a mere 2 hours away. I thank God for people like that man with faith enough to provide for his family while pursuing God's call and going to school at the same time, what a burden, but what a blessing at the same time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First few days have went well. I've found a few fellow Mac people, got a good roommate, I was supposed to have two so this was a plus only having one. All my classes are in the same building as my dorm which is smaller than my middleschool. It's a bit of a culture shock in it's size, but a good culture shock. It's also really weird, shouldn't be but is, in the fact that we pray before and sometimes after class, and the only thing being learned in the class room is the Bible, as opposed to the Bible being shunned in every aspect of secular school. God is doing a great work among us at SBTS (the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) as we are continuously preparing for the next great commission. If anyone wants to send me old fashioned mail, my address here is
SBTS, Box 260
2825 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40280
God Bless you all,